Few things in life are as challenging as moving your household possessions. The details involved may seem like quite a daunting task. Coldwell Banker Realty Connections is here to help you by providing complimentary expert assistance through our experienced Moving Specialists. We will help coordinate the process for you from beginning to end, starting with conducting a needs analysis and selecting the right mover based on your individual household requirements.
Moving program features:
Complimentary consultation with multiple Coldwell Banker Realty vetted Moving Specialists
One call initiates bids from multiple moving companies
Free, no obligation moving estimates
Get paired with prescreened movers from the program who are licensed and insured
Competitive pricing, and potential discounts and incentives
Movers adhere to a rigorous standard of customer service
Our clients get preferred treatment due to the high volume of referrals we send to the van lines that participate in the Moving Services Program.
To speak with our Realty Colwell Banker Connections Moving Coordinator for Arizona and Southern California, please call Courtney Spencer at (480) 481-8446. To fill out a Moving Service Form and have a Moving Coordinator contact you during normal business hours, please click on the link below: